Thursday 16 May 2013

The Liebster Award

Thank you to the lovely Janeese for tagging me in this! If you are not familiar with the Liebster Award it is basically a tag where 11 bloggers are nominated to answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who tagged them, as well as post 11 random facts about themselves. Once you've answered all 11 questions and added 11 facts you must now create 11 of your own questions and tag 11 other bloggers that have less than 200 followers. I haven't been blogging that long so I may not have 11 other bloggers but I'll give it a shot!

Here is Janeese's blog for you all to have a read! Please do, she's fab!

Okay Janeese asked:

1. How did you come up with your blog's name? My name is Chloe, so that was easy. And sparkles? Who doesn't love sparkles! And I'm also obsessed with How I Met Your Mother the TV programme and there is a character on there called Robin Sparkles and I wished that that was my last name.

2. What is your favorite season? I would have to say Autumn, because it's not too hot and not too cold because I'm rubbish with the extremities. I can wear woolly scarves and boots. :)

3. What was the name of your first love/crush? Zac from Saved By The Bell. Always, and forever.

4. Heels or Flats? Flats all day long. Heels are beautiful, but they are supposed to be ornaments and not worn. They are just too agonising to wear, but at least my feet are gorgeous from being pampered and not ruined!

5. What is your most prized item in your Make-up collection? YSL Lipstick, so beautiful

6. What was your most memorable vacation/holiday? Turkey with my lovely boyfriend this year :-)

7. What kind of camera do you use? Either my iPhone or my Canon Powershot SX150

8. How do you prefer to style your hair, straight, curly, up, down ect.? I curl it with my Babyliss tongs then comb it through so it's all wavyish

9.  What's your favorite TV show? That's a tough one. How I Met Your Mother at the moment.

10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully married with baybehs. With a heeuuuuuge make up collection which my millionaire husband will have bought for me. (Girl can dream) And perhaps blogging!

11. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Ooh tough one. "Don't worry. You turn out okay."

Hokey cokey that was fun, now my random facts about me:

1. I can do the mexican wave with my eyebrows better than the kids on the Cadbury's advert
2. I think about food more than anything else. Especially chips, crisps and chicken chow mein.
3. I'm studying to be a Primary School Teacher.
4. I have been with my lovely boyfriend for 5 and a bit years
5. I was allergic to milk chocolate when I was younger, luckily grew out of it
6. I enjoy sewing (currently making a patchwork quilt and learning how to make a skirt)
7. I can speak a little bit of German. I did A-Level but losing it slowly :(
8. I used to want to be an actress, but then I was too scared I would fail. Boohoo.
9. I am extremely clumsy. I am missing the 'j' button off my laptop because I dropped a folder on it, it's always a struggle :'(
11. I wish Louise and Zoe from Sprinkle of Glitter and Zoella were my best friends, I think we would be chummies.

And there you have it!

Here's my question for you lot:

1. All time favourite beauty product?
2. Favourite colour?
3. Would you rather be chased by six duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck? (hehe)
4. Favourite blog? 
5. Favourite restaurant?
6. What three things would you take to a desert island?
7. What is your fondest childhood memory?
8. If you could go absolutely anywhere on holiday where would you go?
9. Any hidden talents?
10. Why did you start your blog?
11. Favourite luxury brand?

And here are the blogs I could find! :-)

11. Aaah I can't find another one! I need to follow more me your blogs m'loverss!!

Enjoy answering!



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