Sunday 23 February 2014

My Feelings on Alcohol

Hello gang. 

I haven't written in ages because I've been on placement and I haven't really felt like blogging because it's all hectic and I'm all stressed and a bit mizzy. Just having one of those sad patches really. So to have a bit of a vent I thought I would write a little piece on something I really wanted to vocalize my thoughts on - Alcohol. So here goes.

As a university student, it is pretty much expected that I should drink excessively, become very drunk and chunder everywah. That is an accepted part of the culture in our country. And to a certain extent I can see why; I've had a barrel of laughs whilst being a bit tipsy. You can feel a bit more relaxed and able to let things go. The issue is when that feeling stops, or that isn't quite the way you react.

For example, I'm an extreme lightweight. I don't know if it's because I've had CFS which can give you an intolerance or I was just born that way but that's how I am. So it does not take a lot at all for me to be drunk. And sometimes, like I said, I can be happy and giggly and loving life. But when I have a bad reaction and end up having a panic attack, or crying my eyes out, or having a horrible hangover throwing up for the day it really doesn't seem worth it. So after having that panic attack a few times or feeling really anxious in a club or social situation I have really wanted to avoid alcohol. If I could just choose to have the happy giggly reaction that would be fine - but to me it's not worth the risk anymore.

That's my personal reaction to alcohol, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that. Now some people will be thinking "She goes out, I've seen her, and she's fine." Well yes. Often I am, and often I have a fab time. But to be honest, a lot of the time, I feel like I ought to be 'going out'. If I don't go out and get drunk, I'm boring and a bit of a weirdo. Why can't I 'go out' to the cinema and that be equally as cool and trendy? I hate that phrase 'going out'. I go out to lots of places. I go out to the library - I'm not sure that's the same.

So what I'm trying to say is, I know I can't change this attitude to alcohol but I just want to get my feelings out there - and see if people feel the same. Some people, I know, are just too afraid to admit that actually, sometimes they can't be bothered to go out and get drunk, they'd rather stay in and watch a nice chick flick. I enjoy an occasional party, but you won't see me out four nights a week. And I'll only drink alcohol that I actually like the taste of. There is no logic in forcing a minging beverage. When I didn't drink at all for a few months my drink of choice was orange juice - ever so refreshing at 2am. I thoroughly recommend it.

The moral of this story is; do whatever you want to do. If you would rather go to the pictures and eat popcorn, you do that. If you would rather go to a chess tournament, go crazy. If your preference is watch every episode of Kardashians (about 100 episodes) that you've record in the space of about two days that's fine.

Love you millions.


Not drunk - but still hilarious.

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