Wednesday 2 October 2013

What I've Learned About Being Happy

Okay, a bit of a different one today. I started my blog with the idea of just writing about beauty things, with the odd bit of my hilarity thrown in. But I've been thinking about my blog a lot and the things that I want to tell people about. So I've decided to put a bit of "life" stuff in, especially with the life experience I've gained recently.

When you're younger, you are brought up with the idea that there is going to be a happily ever after. You're told story after story, fairytale after fairytale about a life that yes, has problems, but then everything works out fine and it's all happy and jolly. And that's great; it's what kids should be told, and for some people I guess it's what happens.

But for some people, there are twists and turns throughout life and sometimes you don't quite get the happy ever after where everything is perfect. I'm not saying that life is terrible and nothing ever gets better; just that we can't expect our whole lives to be perfect and work out just the way we want them to.

The last year has been the most difficult of my life, and I'm sure that I won't have another year like it. Well I blooming hope not anyway. It's been very hard. 

But, the positive that I can see about what I've experienced is that I can now appreciate things I didn't before, I can see things in a different light and I have learned a lot about myself. So here are some of my thoughts:

Don't be afraid to let people know you're hurting.

People go through really rubbish things. We all do at some point in our lives. So when that happens, you need to talk about it; if that's what helps you. And don't be afraid to feel that way; it's okay. You can't be happy all the time, especially if something bad has happened. If you're finding something difficult or have a problem, talk to someone you trust and tell them how you're feeling. You can be surprised at how people react. Some people are absolutely fantastic and will listen to you whinge for hours and will still love you to bits. It's those people I appreciate.

Be yourself.

I have a very diverse range of friends, all with different interests and hobbies. As we've gotten older, we're becoming unafraid to do what we want to do, even if it's not 'normal'. When I first went to university, I was very intimidated by the amount some people drank and 'went out'. I tried to conform to this and go out and get drunk, but the truth of the matter is that I'm an absolute lightweight and get very anxious when I've had alcohol. And what I've learned now is that that's okay. I don't have to go out and get drunk if I want to. In fact I'm pretty much the same sober as I am drunk (still completely hilarious and bantastic). And, it's okay if I'd rather stay in of a night and write my blog, or do some of my sewing (it's a hexagonal, pink, patchwork quilt. It's amazeballs), or go to the cinema with my buddies (as I did tonight). So be yourself; there's only one you, and you're ace in my humble opinion.

Do what you enjoy.

YOLO (you only live once) has pretty much become my catchphrase this past year. Because it's true, you do only live once. Unless, you know, you're a cat. But anyway, what I've learned is that there is absolutely no point forcing yourself to do things you don't want to do if it makes you unhappy. Instead, you should appreciate the little things that really do make you happy. When I'm having a down day, I have a look at my nail varnish collection. I think about how much I appreciate that I have these nail varnishes as they are a luxury that some people don't have. So I'll try and relax and paint my nails, then chill out and watch one of my favourite TV programmes. It's what I enjoy; you might like something else, but that's what I like to do. And that's okay. 

Surround yourself with the people who appreciate you.

Sometimes it can take something traumatic or difficult to happen for you to be able to see who is really supportive of you and who loves you. Obviously people have their own lives and things are happening for them which might mean they cannot concentrate on you. But, there will be people, who I have, that will be there for you 100%. If someone cannot be bothered with you, or who says something nasty about you, you do not need them. Appreciate those who have the time for you and who have your back. You might be surprised.

Some practical ways to be happy:

  • Look at pictures of cute cats or smiling lambs (see below). That'll cheer anyone up on a down day.
  • Allow yourself to be happy. If you keep telling yourself how sad you are, you'll be sad. (I'm working on this too)
  • Drink camomile tea. It's pretty mingy, I just had a cup, but I feel all relaxed and calm now. They should call it calmomile tea. Ha ha ha.
  • Put on your snuggliest jammies and snuggle up in bed with a snuggly teddy bear or any other snuggly things (snuggly. Just wanted to say it again) and just relaaaaaax. Watch some silly TV with some silly people on and just laugh.
  • Make yourself feel pretty; it's amazing what a bit of make-up can do. I'm not saying you're ugly, I'm just saying that by making yourself feel like you look good, it'll show in your mood.
  • Think about the best things in your life. Appreciate them.
Well that was all a bit serious wasn't it? I'll end with some pictures below to cheer you up.

Thank you, and goodnight.

Chloe x

How can this not make you smile?
Want to cheer up? Try and make your dog look like Mary (as in Jesus' mom)


Lesson learned; always hug a hedgehog.

Sorry if you've already seen a cat dressed as a mushroom today.

Go on little ducky!!!

And now you should look like this!

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