Friday 4 October 2013

How To Love Yourself

Right folks, back onto the life stuff today. Today I bring you a topic that I know a lot of girls, and boys don't forget, have issues with. Being confident, not only about your body but your mind too. So here are my thoughts:

Don't like the way you look?

Have you got a nose that's slightly on the large side? Are you a heavier weight than you'd like to be? Do you have freckles that you don't like? Everybody has some kind of issue like that. I bet even Cheryl Cole hates the mole in her belly button (I'm just guessing). The truth of the matter is that no-one is perfect. You are you, you're stuck in that body and you've got to learn to love it. Look in the mirror and tell yourself the things you like about yourself. Don't be modest, if you think you are darn sexy then you think that girlfriend! Or boyfriend. Whatever. I'll level with you; I personally used to hate my stretch marks. But now I just pretend that they're mermaid scales and I'm okay about it.

Don't think you're clever enough?

What's clever anyway? Everyone is good at different things. I personally am quite good at things like maths and music, but ask me about geography like what the capital of Switzerland and I'll say 'S'. Everyone has their strengths. If you are struggling at school, it's probably not in every single subject. Maybe you find writing really hard or can't pick up a new language, but you're awesome at drawing. That's okay! Just focus on what you're good at and the rest will fall into place. 

You're going to be you forever.

Sorry kids, but you're stuck being Fred or Joan forever. And there ain't nothing you can do about it. So you might as well like the person that you are and just enjoy life. YOLO!

Pretend you're confident even if you don't feel it.

Do you walk around looking all sad and mopey with your head down? Well next time you go out, stand up straight and smile. It's amazing what a difference it makes.


Take it from me. You're groovy. And you should love yourself as much as everyone else loves you.

So that's it. Love yourself and the world will love you. Or some other cheesy quote.


Motivational picture for today:

Maizie loves herself. And so should you.

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