Saturday 11 May 2013

Nail Colour of the Week

Caramel Cupcake

Rimmel 60 Second

Hi gang,

Sorry I haven't been posting for a few days, I'm on placement at the moment at school. Teaching 28 5/6 year olds can be pretty tiring, so I haven't had chance to post! I did, however, have chance to go to Sainsbury's to get cake and other sweet goods. And while I was there I had a quick look in the beauty aisle, as per. I saw the Rimmel 60 Second nail varnishes, and at £2.99 I thought they were a bargain! I saw the shade Caramel Cupcake and loved it, I've been after a nude/brown for ages and this one was really nice. So I promptly bought it. 

The brush in this nail varnish is different to others I've seen, it's slightly wider and flatter and I wasn't sure how this was going to go. But I was really pleased, as I've got quite thin nail beds I was able to cover most of my nail in one stroke, making painting them really quick and easy. They say that the colour dries in 60 seconds, which is a bit of a push in my opinion! It was fast, but not that fast! I would really recommend this brand though, it's such good value for money and a really nice formula. I think this would look nice with a glittery gold on the ring I'm on the hunt for one of those now!

Thanks for reading!




  1. Hello Chloe. I really like your blog and it would mean a lot to me if you would take a minute and check, follow my blog if you like. Thank you so so much, have a nice day,
    xoxo Nika

  2. Hey Chloe I tagged you in my Liebster Award!!

    xo, Janiecy
