Monday 20 May 2013

Haircare Favourites

Hi gang,

So today I bring you my favourite haircare products. I've been using these for ages and I've found they are the best for my hair type; often very dry due to heat styling and colouring. Here they are:

Lee Stafford MoRoccan Argan Oil (£11.99 for 50ml, Boots): Argan Oil is definitely worth the hype. I use it every single time I wash my hair, running it through the ends of my hair and the rest of it if it's quite dry. Makes my hair much more soft and easy to brush through.

Aussie Leave-In Conditioner Spray (£4.49 for 250ml, Boots): I LOVE this. It smells absolutely gorgeous. I spray it through my hair while it's still wet then blowdry it, and it smells lovely all day and really softens my hair without making it greasy.

Aussie 3-Minute Miracle Deep Conditioner (£4.99 for 250ml, Boots): I use this once or twice a week because this product is very deep conditioning- any more than that any your hair would be too heavy with product. It's amazing for split ends and as with all Aussie products, smells gorgeous.

Lee Stafford Miracle Shine Spray (£9.99 for 200ml, Boots): Not going to lie, I'm on my second bottle of this and I bought it again mainly for the smell. Don't get me wrong it gives great shine (quick spritz after you've styled; not too much, less is more) but it smells heavenly.

V05 Ultimate Hold Hairspray (Found similar on Boots, £3.05 for 500ml): I haven't tried many hairsprays as they seem to last me a long time, but this one is jolly good. 

Hope you enjoyed my post! What do you use for haircare?


Sunday 19 May 2013

New Make-up Storage; Mirrored Drawers

Happy Sunday! Today I bring you my newest make-up storage facility (ooer), a little mirrored chest of drawers from Sainsburys! If you don't have Sainsburys in your country it's basically a supermarket that sells a bit of everything. I got this because I saw that it was reduced, I think I got it for £13.99 which I thought was a bargain!

My aim to use it to store lipsticks in one section, mascara and eyeliner in one, and perhaps foundation in another. Because my make-up collection is fairly small at the moment (I'm working on it!) this fits most of my products in for now :-)

How do you store your make-up? I'd love some suggestions!



Thursday 16 May 2013

The Liebster Award

Thank you to the lovely Janeese for tagging me in this! If you are not familiar with the Liebster Award it is basically a tag where 11 bloggers are nominated to answer 11 questions asked by the blogger who tagged them, as well as post 11 random facts about themselves. Once you've answered all 11 questions and added 11 facts you must now create 11 of your own questions and tag 11 other bloggers that have less than 200 followers. I haven't been blogging that long so I may not have 11 other bloggers but I'll give it a shot!

Here is Janeese's blog for you all to have a read! Please do, she's fab!

Okay Janeese asked:

1. How did you come up with your blog's name? My name is Chloe, so that was easy. And sparkles? Who doesn't love sparkles! And I'm also obsessed with How I Met Your Mother the TV programme and there is a character on there called Robin Sparkles and I wished that that was my last name.

2. What is your favorite season? I would have to say Autumn, because it's not too hot and not too cold because I'm rubbish with the extremities. I can wear woolly scarves and boots. :)

3. What was the name of your first love/crush? Zac from Saved By The Bell. Always, and forever.

4. Heels or Flats? Flats all day long. Heels are beautiful, but they are supposed to be ornaments and not worn. They are just too agonising to wear, but at least my feet are gorgeous from being pampered and not ruined!

5. What is your most prized item in your Make-up collection? YSL Lipstick, so beautiful

6. What was your most memorable vacation/holiday? Turkey with my lovely boyfriend this year :-)

7. What kind of camera do you use? Either my iPhone or my Canon Powershot SX150

8. How do you prefer to style your hair, straight, curly, up, down ect.? I curl it with my Babyliss tongs then comb it through so it's all wavyish

9.  What's your favorite TV show? That's a tough one. How I Met Your Mother at the moment.

10. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Hopefully married with baybehs. With a heeuuuuuge make up collection which my millionaire husband will have bought for me. (Girl can dream) And perhaps blogging!

11. If you could go back in time and tell your younger self one thing, what would it be? Ooh tough one. "Don't worry. You turn out okay."

Hokey cokey that was fun, now my random facts about me:

1. I can do the mexican wave with my eyebrows better than the kids on the Cadbury's advert
2. I think about food more than anything else. Especially chips, crisps and chicken chow mein.
3. I'm studying to be a Primary School Teacher.
4. I have been with my lovely boyfriend for 5 and a bit years
5. I was allergic to milk chocolate when I was younger, luckily grew out of it
6. I enjoy sewing (currently making a patchwork quilt and learning how to make a skirt)
7. I can speak a little bit of German. I did A-Level but losing it slowly :(
8. I used to want to be an actress, but then I was too scared I would fail. Boohoo.
9. I am extremely clumsy. I am missing the 'j' button off my laptop because I dropped a folder on it, it's always a struggle :'(
11. I wish Louise and Zoe from Sprinkle of Glitter and Zoella were my best friends, I think we would be chummies.

And there you have it!

Here's my question for you lot:

1. All time favourite beauty product?
2. Favourite colour?
3. Would you rather be chased by six duck-sized horses, or one horse-sized duck? (hehe)
4. Favourite blog? 
5. Favourite restaurant?
6. What three things would you take to a desert island?
7. What is your fondest childhood memory?
8. If you could go absolutely anywhere on holiday where would you go?
9. Any hidden talents?
10. Why did you start your blog?
11. Favourite luxury brand?

And here are the blogs I could find! :-)

11. Aaah I can't find another one! I need to follow more me your blogs m'loverss!!

Enjoy answering!



Saturday 11 May 2013

Nail Colour of the Week

Caramel Cupcake

Rimmel 60 Second

Hi gang,

Sorry I haven't been posting for a few days, I'm on placement at the moment at school. Teaching 28 5/6 year olds can be pretty tiring, so I haven't had chance to post! I did, however, have chance to go to Sainsbury's to get cake and other sweet goods. And while I was there I had a quick look in the beauty aisle, as per. I saw the Rimmel 60 Second nail varnishes, and at £2.99 I thought they were a bargain! I saw the shade Caramel Cupcake and loved it, I've been after a nude/brown for ages and this one was really nice. So I promptly bought it. 

The brush in this nail varnish is different to others I've seen, it's slightly wider and flatter and I wasn't sure how this was going to go. But I was really pleased, as I've got quite thin nail beds I was able to cover most of my nail in one stroke, making painting them really quick and easy. They say that the colour dries in 60 seconds, which is a bit of a push in my opinion! It was fast, but not that fast! I would really recommend this brand though, it's such good value for money and a really nice formula. I think this would look nice with a glittery gold on the ring I'm on the hunt for one of those now!

Thanks for reading!



Tuesday 7 May 2013

My Wish List - Beauty and Random

Okey dokey gang, here are some items I am currently lusting after. Please can someone literally confiscate my purse so that I do not buy any of these items.

Bioderma Cleanser

I've heard so much about Bioderma cleanser, and it just feels like that little piece of my skincare regime that is missing. Please Bioderma. Make my skin all clean and fabulous. But why you £25 Bioderma? That's cray cray. I shall not be purchasing you while you insist to be that price. I wonder how long you last. Anyone?

So pretty

I don't own a MAC lipstick. What is my life? So I should like this one please in High Tea. It looks very nice, and I like High Tea as in cakes and things so that would be lovely. Though I don't like cups of tea. I'm a coffee gal.

Yum yum
Oh I love Yankee Candle. I have a Vanilla Cupcake one, and I'm pretty sure that the amount of times I sniff it per day is not healthy. It just smells so good. So good! So I should like this Strawberry Buttercream one because a) it's pretty b) it smells good. What more could you want?

Pretty pot, no?
Laura Mercier body cream in Creme Brulee. I have never tried anything by Laura Mercier, but I've seen this being absolutely raved about. The Creme Brulee scent sounds appealing because I love anything vanilla-ish which I imagine this is. I'm not sure of the best place to find this - anyone?

Don't look, it's NAKED!
I want this and I want it now. Okay brat moment over, but seriously this Naked Palette from Urban Decay is just eyeshadow heaven. I just think there is so many looks that you could do with this palette and I just think it's an essential that I need in my life.

L'Occitane Hand Cream

Finally, before I get too sad that I don't own any of these products, is the L'Occitane hand cream in Shea Butter. I get very dry hands and so am constantly putting hand cream on. At the moment I'm using Soap and Glory Hand Food - in my opinion it's a bit too chemically, and is making my hands worse in the long run. I've heard good things about this cream and it would be nice to try.

And that's it from me. I'm going to weep into my make-up bag now. If there are any millionaires out there who fancy taking me on a shopping trip, just drop us a line. Ta.

Okay ta-ra!


P.S. I still haven't put a picture of myself on this blog but I'll get to it- I'm just far too unattractive to have taken a nice picture. :}

Monday 6 May 2013

Benefit Total Moisture Facial Cream

It's just so pretty and lovely.
Good morning bloggers and readers. Today I bring you a post on the most wonderful facial cream I have ever owned. Prepare to let money leave your purse.

This cream, my friends, is the holy grail of moisturizers. I've tried a lot of them. No.7- too greasy. Soap and Glory- Did the opposite and dried my skin out and I could just tell there were nasty chemicals in it. Benefit Total Moisture Facial the one. I am in love.

So there I was, having a mooch round House of Fraser. I went to Benefit and had a look at the eyeshadow sets which I promptly bought after the very nice lady showed me some tips on how to use it. She then gave me a little sample of a face cream in a cute pot. I was excited to try it. How was I to know, that this little cream would turn my skin into that of a baby's bottom.

When I got home I tried the moisturizer and it was heavenly. It smells lovely, it's not too heavy and after letting it sink in for a while I was able to put my make-up on over the top. I tried to make the little sample stretch for as long as possible, but I wanted the full-size one desperately. So when I got an e-mail from for 20% off, I was all over it and bought it. It is quite pricey at £27.50, but if you're smart like me and wait for a discount...happy days! I was also very happy when it came as it is in the most gorgeous packaging. It's a glass pot, which makes me feel like those women in old films when they sit in front of a dressing table with a mirror and put cream on and they look all glamorous and lovely. The lid is a cork effect but isn't actually made of cork. I think that would annoy me if it was actual cork because it would probably feel horrible. So plastic is fab! 

Tip: Use a scrub on your face at night time and then put this cream on before you go to sleep. Wake up in the morning, touch your face (sounds weird) and be amazed at the wonder that is your new luscious skin.

And there you have it! 



Saturday 4 May 2013

Make-Up Storage Idea/Review

Hello again! I'm still here, plodding on, blogging away, having a laugh and a giggle. I haven't uploaded my YouTube video yet but I'll do that tomorrow and link it on tomorrow's post. It's so cringey but such it's life.

This blog post is just a little idea for make-up storage. I'm still not totally happy the way I store my make-up, but this will do until I move house and can have a pretty dressing table with shiny drawers and a mirror with lights on and all that kind of thing. Ah, bliss.

You can get the make-up organiser from the picture below from It's currently on sale for £9.20 which is pretty good! Here's the link:

It's great for storing brushes and powder, but in the end you run out of room. It looks good though, and makes for really easy access- you can see everything clearly instead of having to rummage in a make up bag!

So there you have it, just a little suggestion. If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for future blogposts do comment below :)



Friday 3 May 2013

My M.A.C Make-Up Brushes

My babies
Oh no, I'm addicted to blogging. It was so fun yesterday I couldn't wait to do it again today. I'm also attempting a YouTube video so we'll see how that one goes. I didn't film it very well, but hey-ho. I tried.

This post is all about my beloved make-up brushes that I got for my 20th birthday off my lovely Mom and Pops. I'm always inflicting them upon my housemates, I try to make them let me brush their faces with them or put make-up on them. They say they enjoy it but to be honest I think they're humouring me. You'll have to excuse the picture of the brushes as they're a little bit mucky because I only just used them. But you know. 

150 Large Powder Brush

This is lovely and big (giggidy) and really fab for powder. You can pretty much cover your face in one fell swoop which is pretty groovy and brill. I also use it for bronzer for all over my face. Highly recommend it.

116 Blush and Highlighting Brush

I use this brush for all sorts, mostly contouring. I put blusher on the apples of my cheeks, bronzer in the hollows of my cheeks, and highlighter making a 'C' shape around my eyes and the top of my cheeks. So it's extremely useful, you've just got to be careful to clean it in between uses. I'm a bit rubbish with that really. Maybe I just need more brushes.

217 Blending Eyeshadow Brush

This eyeshadow is supposed to be for blending, but as I don't have a eyeshadow brush that I can use easily for application this one has to do. It's still pretty darn good and fab at blending but really I need a better one as well to perfect that smokey eye that we all want.

209 Thin Brush

I use this brush with my M.A.C. Fluidline in Blacktrack. It's extremely gorgey and fab. It goes on so easily and is really pigmented. You can be really precise and it's a lot easier than liquid liners. A winged liner is a little tricker but manageable, but ideally I need an angled brush. Bring on Christmas.

So there you have it! Some of my prized posessions. If there was a fire, I would want to protect these bad boys. Then again they are probably very flammable. Ah well. YOLO.


Thursday 2 May 2013

YSL Lipstick AKA Prettiest Casing Ever

My precious.

'ello again,

I had too much fun writing my last post so I wanted to do another one because I'm just such an eager beaver. Giggidy.

This post is all about the YSL lipstick. Oh my giddy goodness. I first saw this on Kandee Johnson's YouTube channel on one of her videos, and even though it had been broken by her little girl, it still looked like the prettiest lipstick I had ever seen. I won't lie to you, I didn't really care what colour it was the casing was just too gorgeous.

You can imagine my excitement when I'm at the airport before I went to Turkey. Again, not going to lie, I was a tad more excited about going to the beauty department in duty free than I was going on holiday. Then I saw the YSL stand and knew this was my chance. I COULD GET THE LIPSTICK.

I wanted a nudey type colour, and found the one shown in the picture. It's in the shade number 1, nude beigeIt comes out a lot more nude than it appears which is rather strange, but you know, whatever. It's pretty. It's lovely and soft and goes on well, this particular shade isn't majorly pigmented but as I have the world's worst chapped lips, it's all about moisture for me.

I'm not sure how much it is normally as I got it without the tax. (Goes to Google...) Okay Google says you can get it from Debenhams for £24.00. Rather pricey. But oh so pretty!

Ta-ra a bit



With the lid off....magical.

Selfie. Just to show the shade...geez

The Nail Varnish Obsession

So many nail varnishes, so little time.

I've been obsessed with  nail varnish since I was about 6 years old. I would always pick the girly magazines with the best free gift and if it had a free nail varnish I was there, bam! I remember when I was about 11 there was a new brand that I got free called Nails Inc. and now they're huge! Wish I'd kept it. Probs got it somewhere.

I bought this plastic display from, I think it was under a tenner so not a bad purchase! I keep it on my dressing table and it's so easy just to look at my nail varnishes and pick what I want to use as before they were just shoved into a box. I sometimes pretend to myself that my room is Boots and I'm selecting a nail varnish and don't even have to pay for it. But I'm not. It's my room. Sadface.

The back row is all Barry M. I luuurve this brand just because they have so many different colours that you can struggle to get in other brands. Plus they're pretty cheap compared to other brands, most are either £2.99 or £3.99. Bargain! Plus the glitter ones are quite frankly amazeballs. My favourite is Amethyst Glitter. It's got pink, purple, silver and blue sparkles and is oh so pretty! Pain to get off though. Ah well.

My other top notch favourite is a gorgey colour from the So Laque Glossy collection from Bourjois. The shade is Vermis a ongles. I think it is anyway, it's in French so I'm really not sure, it could be like the 'Do not eat' bit for all I know, but it's basically a lovely pale green. I use a pink striper over the top and I call it my mint and strawberry ice cream nails. Ha ha, how amusing of myself. 

Another good buy is the Basecoat, Top Coat and Nail Hardener from Barry M, on the second row. I always put a coat underneath and over the top just for good luck. 

Hope you enjoyed my first post!



Bourjois So Laque in a French word I can't pronounce,
with Barry M Diamond Glitter on the top

Mint and Strawberry Ice Cream Nails!

Barry M Jelly in Papaya

Newspaper nails! Tutorial for this perhaps?!

Barry M Blue Moon and Diamond Glitter

No7 Hot Pink. Makes sense.

First Post

Okay so here we go...

Hi there. My name is Chloe and I am a confessed shopaholic and beauty addict. I've been watching videos and reading blogs from brilliant experts such as Zoella, Sprinkle of Glitter's Louise and Tanya Burr. So I thought you know what, I think I'll have a go. I've called this blog Chloesparkles because a) I love sparkles, who doesn't. b) Robin Sparkles is amazeballs (from How I Met Your Mother) c) Chloe is my first name (makes sense don't it) and finally d) because I couldn't think of anything else. 

I'm 20, a trainee primary school teacher and in my spare time teaching keyboard and tutor children. This gives me a bit of money to be able to go shopping and spend hours perfecting my smokey eye!

I hope you enjoy what I write; I'm definitely no expert or make-up artist, just a girl who's been using different products and seeing what I like. I might chuck a bit of other stuff in there if you're interested.

I wonder if anyone will ever read this.

