Monday 16 December 2013

How I Feel Now About Life and Stuff

Howdy gang,

So today I have a bit of a life-type post. Don't get all emosh with it, it's going to be a positive post. So stop getting stressed. Goodness me.

Okay so, what I want to talk about is my opinions of life and how I feel about stuff. I was in a very serious car accident over a year ago, the details of which I won't go into, but it made me think about life and what's important to me. All a bit stressful and the last year certainly has been but in this post I am going to talk about the positive effects that this experience has had on me.


It's true y'know. YOLO (You Only Live Once) is a thing. It's my new motto. If you go on my twitter (@ChloeFrench93) you'll see that my bio is simply 'YOLO'. My near-death experience just made me think about how life can be very short and could be taken away from you at any time which isn't nice at all. You never think that it could happen to you. So, now, I'm taking opportunities that I probably wouldn't have considered before. For example, when Ash (my boyfriend) and I went to Turkey I didn't want to get into the swimming pool because it was jolly cold and I would be frozen. But I told myself 'YOLO' and knew I'd regret not getting in that pool because I wasn't going to have that experience again. So I did it. In my head I went "1...2...3...YOLO!". And it was blooming freezing and in hindsight that probably wasn't a good idea. Maybe this wasn't the best example...ahem. Some other things that I've done that I probably wouldn't have done before:

  • Spontaneously went to London to meet Kandee Johnson (one of my favourite YouTubers) with my best Irish buddy Ciara. 
  • Started a nail technician course.
  • Got a last minute ticket to see Hairspray that a friend was offering.
  • Ate a lot of noodles from my fave restaurant in Worcester (probably would have done that anyway)
They are just a few things. I had the courage to do what I wanted because life is short and you gotta do what you wanna do.

The simple things in life

Ooh I do appreciate the little things now. I'll go to Lush, get myself a bath bomb, buy a candle from TK Maxx, come home, run a bath and read a book. And I'll appreciate that hour that I'll have to relax and do what I want to do, because things could be a lot worse. I could be at the hospital or whatever, something else equally rubbish or even worse. It just makes me feel good that I can have this time just to do little things. My best buddy Hannah and I spend hours watching one of our fave TV programmes (House) because we can, and we enjoy it. We're just chillin'. And I love times like that.


Well this goes without saying really. I cherish every single moment that I have with my famalam. And I am so grateful that we are all still here. Every day I think about people who have lost someone close to them and my heart aches for them. I pray for those people to be strong and think about how I appreciate who I have here with me.

In conclusion

So basically, I appreciate stuff in life now. I'm not saying that it's not hard and life is wonderful all the time, I'm just saying that it's important not to take things for granted. And that's all I gotta say.

Don't worry. Be happy.


Flipping freezing it was. YOLO

Saturday 14 December 2013

What's In My Glossybox? - December 2013 Christmas Edition

Hello folks. It's so nice to be able to sit and write a blog post all about pretty things rather than an assignment for my degree. Feels like a nice reward.

An even nicer reward was my glossybox that arrived this morning. If you don't know what glossybox is, it's a beauty box that you subscribe to and receive once a month. It contains five beauty samples, some of them full-sized and it means you can get some little treats every so often and try something from a brand you might never have heard of! You can order glossyboxes here: . I ordered a 6 month subscription which meant it was £8.33 a box; really good value for money as the price of the products in the shops is way above this.

I came back from work to see the very gorgeous box sitting there and I was jolly pleased. I sat down with mom (she likes to see me open it) and opened my lovely box. I have to say, I think it's the best one so far. I've had glossybox for about 6 months and this one is definitely my favourite. So let's hop to it and I'll show you what I got. If you get glossybox, please let me know what you got too so I can either be jealous or think "ha ha!".

I really liked the packaging for this box, all Christmassy and cute! The cardboard packaging that the box came in was also red and pretty. Love it.

My box full of surprises!

This month every glossybox will come with a product from Maybelline. I was absolutely blooming chuffed with getting a Color Tattoo 24 Hours Eyeshadow in 65 - Pink Gold. I was well happy because I've had one of these before in a different shade and I really loved it so I wanted another one anyway! Only problem is they're a bit of a pain to get off but if you use your cleansing water as I have recommended many times you'll be golden. Full size, RRP £4.99.

Next one is a little bit random, my sister was very confused why I received this but I am actually really happy with it. It's a Intuition Naturals Razor from Wilkinson Sword. Its really groovy because its got a holder which means you can stick it on the wall which is jolly useful. As you can see in the picture below it has soapy stuff around the razor which apparently foams up and means you don't need shaving cream which is nice and easy. I love the minty green colour too. Full size- £6.49.

Next up is this perfume from Lipsy called Glam. Not gonna lie, I had a bit of a mare trying to pump it out, it just wouldn't come out so I wasn't very impressed with that but I suppose it's just a bit of a dud bottle. I managed to get some out, and it smelt alright but I wasn't wowed by it. Not nearly as nice as the Katy Perry Roar perfume in the last box. Sample size - 5ml. Full size RRP £25

Ooh I love a nail varnish me. Especially a hot pink one called Rendevous. It's from Seche which I've never heard of but I'm always happy to try a new nail varnish brand as it supports my obsession. Lavly. Full size - RRP £9.95

This was an absolute devil to take a picture of, I was having a nightmare because it wouldn't focus. It's a nice nude lipgloss from Beautiful Movements Cosmetics who I also had never heard of but it's been nice to give them a try. It's just a normal lipgloss - nothing cray about it, just does the job which is good. It's a really nice nude shade, not too pale. Check out my dodgy swatch below. 

So there you have it, my glossybox this month. I hope you enjoyed seeing my nice treats.

In a bit,
