Saturday 9 November 2013

Tip Top Autumn Bargains

Hello gang,

How are you all this afternoon? Well, I hope. I'm pretty shattered from work but I'm having a nice relaxing afternoon working on my blog, so I hope you all enjoy. I went to TK Maxx this morning in the little break I had and found an amazing bargain which I will talk about, and it inspired me to make this post. I'm a sucker for a discount or a BOGOF (not being rude- buy one get one free) or anything like that. So here are my tip top bargains that are around at the moment:

Boots have their 3 for 2 on any cosmetics deal at the moment, which can save you SO much. I didn't use it on these three products but these are some examples of what you could get, and I thought these were really nice Autumn colours. From L-R: Essie A-List, Rimmel Caramel Cupcake and No7 Totally Teal.

I've shown you this tip-top super bananas make-up remover/cleanser before, and I ran out again but couldn't justify spending £4.99 (their normal price in Boots, Sainsbury's etc.) on a bottle of what is essentially posh water. But, at the moment in Boots you get any 2 L'Oreal Paris cleansing products for £6. Which made these bad boys £3 each - BOOYEAH!

Okay, here's the big-un. I needed a new purse because my silly New Look one broke (not impressed) so I went into TK Maxx and had a ganders. I never really shop there, but I went in and was amazed at the bargains! The purse I got was a Paul Costelloe (ooer, get me) leather purse in the shade Oxblood (ew). It is normally 90 Great British Pounds, and I got it for £19.99!! Chuffed!!!

As always, if you want a bargain, Primark is the place to go. This necklace and jumper has been my favourite outfit of Autumn and I've work this combo loads. I've wanted to try out a statement necklace because I'm normally very rubbish with accessories but I took the plunge and got this one. I love it even more because it was just 3 Great British Pounds! What a bargain! I reckon it looks like could have been from Accessorize or Topshop, and probably would have been about £15! And the jumper which you can't see fully, but it's long sleeved and very snuggly was just £8. I've washed it loads already and it's still super quality which admittedly you don't always get from Primark.

So there are you folks, my tip-top top bananas super-duper bargains. I sincerely hope this hasn't encouraged you to go and spend your dollar. Okay maybe I do a little bit.

I'm off to relax now and watch Netflix. (Currently watching 16 and Pregnant. I just love TV that melts my brain a little bit)

Let me know of your top bargains or if you fancy any of this stuff now!


Thursday 7 November 2013

Living With An Invisible Illness - ME/CFS

Hi gang,

Well you might have been wondering where I've been, I said I would be back blogging then I haven't posted in a couple of weeks. Well, I've been feeling pretty rotten and it all came to a head on Monday where I was rather poorly! Luckily I have lovely jubbly housemates and they all looked after me like the lovely people they are.

I've had ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis) or CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome) since I was about 14. I had glandular fever which developed into Post Viral Fatigue Syndrome which then developed into ME/CFS. The main symptoms of ME/CFS are:
  • Exercise intolerance and exhaustion after physical activity
  • Pain/myalgia (mine is mostly in my ankles and wrists)
  • Fasciculations; visible twitching over the muscles. (I hate this)
  • Cognitive problems such as clumsiness (I think I was like that before anyway!!) and word finding ability
  • Problems with immune system such as frequent colds and headaches
  • Alcohol intolerance (I'm the world's biggest lightweight, I don't drink now!)
  • Sleep disturbance
Sounds like a barrel of laughs doesn't it? Well, I recovered really well when I had it bad in my teens. My Mom was amazing it did loads of research and we got me through it. But I think after a very difficult year, things have started to calm down and my body has gone "Aaaaah...." and let go! I've been feeling under the weather for a couple of weeks and like I said it all came to head on Monday when I pretty much collapsed on my friends and had to go to A&E! Since then I've been absolutely exhausted, breathless and twitchy with achey ankles. I didn't click that it could have been a relapse until my boyfriend did some research. So I'm not too happy with it but I know how to cope with it.

The thing with having an illness like ME/CFS is that it's an 'invisible illness'. It's ruddy awful. On my worst days, I'll look a bit pale. That's it. I won't have a mark on me, you can't see it, it's not a broken leg where I'll wear a cast and everyone will immediately notice. But inside I'm absolutely exhausted, not just a bit tired, more like when you've been out on a night out until 3 in the morning and you get up for a lecture at 9, but all the time. I'm not at that stage yet, but if I don't act now it'll get that way. So I've got to pace myself. But hey-ho; I've been through worse.

So the point I'm trying to make with this post is that if you know someone with an 'invisible illness' - and there's absolutely loads of them - just be there for them, be that bit of support that they need. Let them know that you know that they are not well, because sometimes you just think that you're being silly because there's nothing visible. 

So that's me up-to-date. I'll try and post something a bit more cheerful soon if I can muster the energy. I've discovered Netflix though so I might be a bit distracted. 
